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This function allows you to parse from worldclim version 2.1 historic climatic files for Central America.

This function is a wrapper of the worldclim2 function from the itsdm package.


ca_historic_worldclim(var, res, path, return_stack)



(character) The option for the variable to download. Should be one of tmin, tmax, prec, bio. The default is tmin.


(numeric) The option for the resolution of image to download. Should be one of 0.5, 2.5, 5, 10. The default is 10.


(character) The path to save the downloaded imagery. If NULL, it would use the current working directory. The default is NULL.


(logical) if TRUE, stack the imagery together and return. If the area is large and resolution is high, it is better not to stack them. The default is TRUE.


if return_stack is TRUE, the images would be returned as a stars. Otherwise, nothing to return, but the user would receive a message of where the images are.


If it fails due to slow internet, try to set a larger timeout option, e.g., using `options(timeout = 1e3)`.


Fick, Stephen E., and Robert J. Hijmans. "WorldClim 2: new 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas." International journal of climatology 37.12 (2017): 4302-4315.doi:10.1002/joc.5086


climate <- ca_historic_worldclim(var = "tmax",
  res = 10,
  path = tempdir(),
  return_stack = TRUE)
#> Warning: st_crop: bounding boxes of x and y do not overlap
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff
#> Warning: file without extension, using driver GTiff